2024 Conference & Expo
Keynote Sessions


Monday Keynote: Kathy Parry

"Rubber Band Resilience"

Do you wish you knew how to snap back after a disruptive event? Could you use great ideas to encourage a positive mindset during transitions? Are you ready for tips to help you and your team stay energized?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then Kathy Parry is ready to help you stretch! 

Get ready for a lively look at how resilient behaviors can be learned even before the disruption happens – or applied after the crisis! 

Kathy holds degrees in Business and Food Management from Miami University and a Certification in Plant Based Nutrition as well as a coaching certification. She is the creator of the POWER UP Institute and holds the designation of Certified Speaking Professional from the National Speakers Association. Ms. Parry has authored six books and lives in Ohio where she enjoys a mild dark chocolate addiction and cooking for hungry friends.  


Tuesday Keynote:

"Criticality of Early Communication for Project Success"

Tuesday's keynote will feature a panel discussion will be Dr. Nakisa Alborz, Larry R. Dysert, CCP CEP DRMP FAACE Hon. Life, Dave Kyle, CCP CEP, and H. Lance Stephenson, CCP FAACE. The clear definition and communication of objectives, goals, and requirements in the early phases of a project sets the stage for a successful outcome. The panelists will discuss the advantages of early and ongoing communication. They will also highlight strategies for implementing effective communication and provide anecdotal stories of poor communication

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Events and Education